
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to create a separate parent page for every CredibleMind component we want to embed into our site?
A: No! Technically all you need is one container page on your site — whatever the page URL is, the cm_page= URL parameter will allow you to load any page or component from CredibleMind. And as a user navigates through the embedded components the parent URL will change for the current page so a user can bookmark it or share a direct link to it.

Q: When would it make sense to have a separate component parent page?
A: If you have content you want to show above or below the embedded component, beyond the standard header and footer. For example, if you are embedding content in a landing page or about a certain topic and want to include both your content and CredibleMind embedded content in the page. Or if you want to include a number of items around one topic onto a page (e.g. resources for wildfires, floods, and tornadoes), then you may want a separate page that has your content mixed in with the CredibleMind component.

Q: How do I know what I can embed from CredibleMind?
A: Any page on CredibleMind can be embedded — whether a general page or a specific page like a specific assessment. To find pages to embed go to your primary CredibleMind site domain (you can ask your Client Success manager for this) and then you can embed any page you wish from there. The text that you would add to ?cm_page=[component] is everything in the CredibleMind page URL after the domain name, i.e. the URL path. For example in the URL https://benovo.crediblemind.com/topics/anxiety, the path is “topics/anxiety”, which is what you use as your URL parameter: ?cm_page=topics/anxiety.

Q: How does this code work for bookmarking and deep linking?
A: The cm_page=[component] URL parameter changes on the parent site as the user navigates through the embedded content, so users can bookmark any page. Even though the link is going to the same "container" page on www.example.com, the cm_page URL parameter is what determines which embedded component to display, so bookmarks and deep links will work perfectly.