API Reference

Lists API Documentation

The Lists API allows users to retrieve lists of resources and supports filtering by topics and keyword search.

API Overview

Endpoint URL





Requests to the Keyword API require a valid API key provided in the request header:

Ask your client success representative for your API key
GET /[client]/resources/lists HTTP/1.1
Host: api.crediblemind.com
x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY

Request Parameters

Path Parameters

  • [client]: A unique identifier for each CredibleMind client.

Optional Parameters

  • pgSize: The maximum number of results to return with each request, for pagination. Defaults to 20
  • page: The page number for pagination. Starts at 1 for the first page of results.
  • topics: Filter by topics via comma-separated topic slugs (e.g., addiction,trauma). Get the topic slugs from the Topics API.
  • q: A keyword search query to filter results by title.

Example Request

curl -X GET "https://api.crediblemind.com/benovo/resources/lists?pgSize=10&page=1&topics=anxiety" \
 -H "x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY"

Response Format

The response will be in JSON format, structured as follows:

	"numResults": 17,
	"pgSize": 2,
	"page": 1,
	"results": [
			"title": "Coping with Uncertainty",
			"description": "Ways to manage change and cope with uncertainty",
			"imageUrl": "https://images.ctfassets.net/o6q5esfvflvg/4Qpt8OuDAIzOA5IFQgVrEQ/15dfd33861d5532166a81c8accb7814d/Anxiety.jpg",
			"slug": "uncertainty-why-we-worry-and-ways-to-regain-control",
			"path": "/lists/uncertainty-why-we-worry-and-ways-to-regain-control",
			"averageRating": 10
			"title": "Helping Your Child Cope With Back-to-School Jitters",
			"description": "",
			"imageUrl": "https://images.ctfassets.net/o6q5esfvflvg/3TmWbCwOQcmGsoIPXeEzrH/f144a712a63f21749255af6e5421953d/Square_-_Navigating_Back-to-school_Anxiety.jpg",
			"slug": "back-to-school-anxiety",
			"path": "/lists/back-to-school-anxiety",
			"averageRating": 3.96

Response Definitions

  • numResults (int): The total number of results available for the query.
  • pgSize (int): The number of results returned with each request, used for pagination.
  • page (int): The page number for pagination. Starts at 1 for the first page of results.
  • results (array): An array of lists results. Each result includes:
    • title (string): The title or name of the list.
    • description (string): A brief description of the list. May be empty
    • imageUrl (string): A URL to an image associated with the list.
    • slug (string): A unique identifier for the list.
    • path (string): A URL path to the resource, which can be programmatically appended to a base content source URL.
    • averageRating (float): The average rating of the list, if available.

Success Response

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Content:
  "numResults": 5,
  "pgSize": 2,
  "page": 1,
  "results": [
        "title": "keyword1",
        "description": "description1",
        "imageUrl": "imageUrl1",
        "slug": "slug1",
        "path": "path1",
        "averageRating": 10
      "title": "keyword1",
      "description": "description1",
      "imageUrl": "imageUrl1",
      "slug": "slug1",
      "path": "path1",
      "averageRating": 9

Error Response

  • Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • Content:
  "error": "Invalid API Key"