API Reference
Monthly Featured Resources

Get Monthly Featured Resources

Get the data for resources highlighted in a particular month. This method returns a JSON formatted set of resources with their metadata, image, and the information needed to embed or link to the page. This is typically used if you want to draw cards on your site, portal, or app in your own style and then link the user to the resource on an embedded component or standalone CredibleMind site. Note that the response does not contain the content of the resource itself, just the info to draw a card or link or other UI with metadata to allow your users to link to the resource as an embedded component or on a standalone site.

Endpoint URL


Where month = numeric month (e.g., Jan=1, Feb=2, etc.) and client is your client identifier (ask your client success representative if you do not know your client identifier).




Requests to the Keyword API require a valid API key provided in the request header:

X-API-Key in header required (ask your client success representative for your API key).

Ask your client success representative for your API key

Success Response

Code: 200 OK

Success Response Example

    "entryId": "2IjQZzApmzXqATjyVwH9rY",
    "title": "5 Ways to Find Balance Between Your Ambition and Wellbeing to Reach Your Potential & Succeed in Work and Life",
    "subtitle": "Everyone says that to start that successful business or make that dream promotion, you have to...",
    "author": "Jay Shetty",
    "organization": "On Purpose",
    "type": "Podcast",
    "imageUrl": "https://cdn-images-1.listennotes.com/podcasts/on-purpose-with/5-ways-to-find-balance-kRT2D1jzYfw-s1aUlCbRfdF.1400x1400.jpg",
    "primaryTopic": "Work-Life Balance",
    "slug": "5-ways-to-find-balance-between-your-ambition-and-wellbeing-to-reach-your",
    "path": "podcasts/5-ways-to-find-balance-between-your-ambition-and-wellbeing-to-reach-your",
    "tags": ["Tips", "Employees"],
    "featured": false,
    "date": "January",
    "status": "queued"

Response Definitions

entryIdstringUnique identifier of the resources*
titlestringTitle of the resource*
subtitlestringSubtitle of resource
authorstringAuthor of resource when applicable
organizationstringOrganization behind resource when applicable
typestringResource type -- e.g., insight, video, podcast, etc.*
imageUrlstringURL to image for resource*
primaryTopicstringThe primary topic of this resource
slugstringSlug of resource*
pathstringPath to resource (use in embedding code or with site URL)*
tagsArray of stringsTags for resource when available, e.g., For Parents, Editor's Pick
featuredstringReserved for future use
datestringMonth of the resource as a string, e.g., "February"
statusstringStatus is "live" if the resource is featured in the current month*
* = always populated in response

Example curl Request

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Api-Key: YOURAPIKEY" "https://api.crediblemind.com/monthly-resources/1/client/YOURCLIENTIDENTIFIER"

If you are using this with embedded components, you can use the provided path in the "component" property in the JavaScript. Alternatively, you can pass it with cm_page=[path]. If you are using this with a standalone site, you construct the URL to the resource on the standalone site as follows: https://[clientidentifier].crediblemind.com/[path].